Wednesday, July 20, 2011

OK, What's next?

Well, the kitchen floor is done.  And it seemed to take forever to get done.  By the time the floor was put back together, and the cabinets and appliances were put back, and all the dishes and things were put away, and we finally got to go to bed, it was 9:00 Sunday night.  It was truly a mess and I am so glad that it is done.  We had one major accident that happened while doing the floor.  When K and D were trying to fit a piece of wood in where it needed to go, they broke one of the water pipes.  Water was EVERYWHERE!!  Trying to find the main shut off valve proved to be difficult.  Turns out that whoever renovated this appartment last, decided the valve needed to be behind the wall.  So we now have a huge hole in the wall in our bedroom.  Once the water got shut off, all the water got cleaned up, and all the wood got dried out, it was back to work on the floor.  That was Saturday night around 11:30 pm.  Water was turned off in the whole house till the landlord was able to bring us the glue and pipes we needed to fix the pipe.  That was Sunday afternoon.  Between that and the hammering and sawing all night long, none of our neighbors were happy with us.  But we had to get it done.  Now all that's left is the bedroom, and I am not looking forward to that at all. 

Since Saturday we have had 2 more water mishaps.  Monday, one of our idiot upstairs neighbors decided to overflow the bathtub.  We discovered it when our ceiling fell in and our bedroom and everything in it got soaked.  I swear, I don't know where people's heads are sometimes.  But that is nothing new.  The last water mishap was yesterday.  D. accidentally broke the other water pipe in the kitchen.  Again we had water everywhere.  Once again, our landlord had to go to the hardware store and get more glue to fix it.  Why?  Because it seems that the first tube of glue may have gotten boarded up in the floor.  Needless to say it has been a crazy, wet, messy few days.  But it does look like it is done and over with now.  And somehow we survived it.  And we have even learned some lessons.  When it comes time to do the bedroom, steps will be taken to make sure it goes a lot easier. At least I'm praying it will be.

So, what's next in this crazy life of ours?  Only time will tell at this point.  I know today we have to figure out some way to go get a tire for our car.  We have a big bubble in one tire and I am scared to drive on it.  What if it blows while I'm driving?  I am only driving to take D to work and to pick him up.  I think D is going to see if  Mr. E will take him to get one.  We may also be puppy sitting for D's daughter DJ.  She is suppose to go to PA for a few day's  and can't take her puppy with her.  But her "puppy"  is a pitt so he is bigger than a lot of dogs.  But that is OK, because he is so sweet and loving.  The only issue is that he doesn't quite get along with our kittens.  They will have to learn to deal with each other. 

I think I am going to go take a nap.  I didn't sleep good last night because D and I were arguing once again.  We are suppose to talk when he gets home, but we will see.  I told him I will believe it when I see it.  In addition to not sleeping well, this heat is killing me.  With my health issues, I don't deal well with the heat.  I wish we had air conditioning, but the landlord says no because they pay the electric bill.  I've offered to pay an extra $200 a month ($50 a week) if she will let us put in an air conditioner and they still said no.  The only room in the house that stay's even remotely cool is the bedroom and that is because we have 5 fans running in there.  We have a fan in each of the 2 windows, one blowing on my side of the bed, one at the bottom and a ceiling fan.  It's great at night, but does little during the day.  Especially with the heat and humidity that we are getting this week and is only going to get worse as the week wears on.  Maybe this weekend, if we aren't puppy sitting, we can go  to the creek and go swimming.  That would be awesome. 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What A Mess!!!

It was suppose to be a quick job.  All we were doing was tearing up a little bit of the floor because it was sagging.  A few hours work, that's it.  Boy were we wrong!!!  The entire floor has to be ripped out and replaced.  Whoever did this floor screwed it up in a major way.  There are 3 layers of tile seperated by plywood.  All the wood is rotten, molded, and falling apart, and even some of the joists are rotting.  This is going to take all day and into the night.  I'm going to HC to pick up D's brother K so that he can help get this mess done.  There is nothing I can do to help, I just keep getting in the way.  The good part is that we don't have to pay for all the supplies to do this.  The landlord is paying for it.  And they are paying D to do it.  Our poor kittens are scard to death because of everything that is going on.  I think we are going to have to lock them in the bathroom for a little while because they won't stay in the bedroom.  They keep getting in the middle of everything.  I'm worried they are going to get hurt.  I'm very glad D is going to have some help with all of this.  All of the cabinets, the stove, the refridgerator, and everything else including the snake cage, has to be taken out of apartment so that he can replace everything.  I am also very glad that our apartment is only a bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen.  It looks like the entire apartment floor is going to have to be redone.  Only the kitchen is getting done today.  The rest can wait till another weekend. 

I have to say that no matter what else he may do, K has always been there for us when we need him.  D called other people to see if they would come and help, and they all made excues why they can't.  As soon as K heard we needed him he wanted to know when we are going to pick him up.  He never bats an eye, he always helps when needed.  He is the only one that does.  We drop everything to help anyone that needs help, but they never help when we need it.  There is always one excuse or another.  It drives me crazy and makes me want to tell them to f off when they ask for help.  But that is not who either one of us are.  We are always ready, willing, and able whenever anyone needs anything and we always will be.  I thank God for K for always be there for us when no one else is.

I also thank God for our neighbor E and his father Mr. E.  They are more like family to us than most of our family is.  They are always there for us.  One of my tires has a big bubble in it so I can't drive right now.  Mr. E is going to pick me up and take me to HC to pick up K.  It's 2 hours round trip.  I don't know anyone that would do that.  I'm going to offer him some money for it, but I don't know if he will take it.  That is the kind of man he is.  His son is the same way, when he isn't getting high or off chasing nasty women.  Normally he is really good about things, but today seems to not be one of those days.  He said he would be able to help us about 11 but he still isn't here.  Around 12 he said he would be 20 min. but still nothing.  And now he isn't even answering our calls.  The landlord is going on his way over to take D to the hardware store to get the supplies he needs.  And without E to call his dad, we have no way to get in touch with him about going to HC.  So now my ex J is going to have to bring him down.  I hate asking him, but I am grateful that he is willing to do it.  I guess it is a good thing he is trying to win me back. 

The further we get into this mess the worse it is.  Now we can't get in touch with anyone that is suppose to help us.  This whole thing is turning into a nightmare.  I wish we had never decided to do this.  But it has to be done.  If we don't get it done the whole floor is going to fall through.  I pray that God is watching over us and that we can get this done today. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Where to start?

This is my first blog, so please bare with me.  Life has so many up's and down's and things are always changing.  That is what this blog is all about.  My life.  Where I have been, where I am now, and where I am going from here.  There have been many changes in my life in the last 4 1/2 years that it's not even funny.  January 2007 I was unhappily married, had 3 wonderful children living with me, owned a 4 bedroom house in a pretty little suburb in MD.  Now I am seperated wishing I was divorced, none of my children live with me, and I live in a one bedroom studio apartment in Baltimore City with a man that I love more than life it's self.  Yet I know that I am blessed in many ways.  There have been times in the last few years when I have had no place to live except in my vehicle.  Then I lost that and had nothing.  I have had to move in with my mom and whoever else I could find to stay with.  So being on my own again and once again having my own vehicle is a major blessing to me everyday.  Life is not perfect, who's is?  At times life even sucks.  But I get past those moments and move on with life.  Sometimes I wonder what else can go wrong in my life.  I hate when I get like that.  Things have gotten so much better for me and D.  Now that he is working, things are a lot easier.  I may not be working, but at least I have my unemployment.  That's something.  I sometimes worry about what will happen when I don't have my unemployment any more, but I try not to dwell on that too much.  It scares me to think about it.  I don't think I will be able to work anymore.  Between the depression I suffer everyday, the arthritis, and the asthma, I have trouble getting out of bed somedays.  But I am determined to start working on these issues.  I may not be able to cure them, but I will be able to deal with them better, and Lord willing, I will be able to ease the symptoms that keep me from living my life to the fullest.  These days, the fullest is sitting in a chair all day doing nothing.  I have been researching on the net for ways to help myself without filling my body with tons of pills on a daily basis and getting no where. 
I have to get ready to go get D from work.   Normally I look forward to this time of day.  I miss him so much when he is at work.  But today I am dreading it.  We are arguing again, and I don't feel like dealing with it today.  I'm tired and depressed.  All I really want to do is go back to bed and get some sleep.  I hate feeling like this.  And I hate dreading him coming home.  We have agreed that we have some issues to work on.  And D has agreed to work with me to fix our issues.  But he hasn't yet.  Things are still the same and I'm afraid they will remain the same.  I don't nag him about it though.  If I have to nag him to get him to work on what he says he wants, then what good is it.  If he wants it as much as I do, then he should want to work on it as much as I do.  I've already told him that if we can't fix us, then I am going to leave.  I don't want us to end up hating each other.  I love him too much.  I would rather "end us before us turns bad."  We will see how things go.  I guess I should stop for now.  I will write more later when I get back home.